Monday, June 13, 2011

Expobar Lever Semi-Auto Espresso Machine Review

Expobar Lever Semi-Auto Espresso Machine
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This is a really nice machine for the price point. I've been using mine for about a month and I'm just starting to dail it in. The case comes off pretty easily (5 screws) so you can access to OPV for group pressure adjustment and boiler pressure. Mine came with the boiler set at .8 bar, I upped it to the green zone of the gauge about .9 bar. I also turned down the group pressure to 9 bar (it came set a 10). I have about a 2 minute recovery time and consistent shots. The biggest downside is the heat exchanger and group need pretty large flushes +-8 oz before pulling a shot. Get Eric's thermometer ($100) plugged into the group and flush to about 207 degrees. After 10 seconds, you can pull a shot at 200 degrees at the puck.

The machine is pretty big - it looks large on my counter and I have a very big, modern kitchen. My wife made me move it to a less obvious location because it seemed a little oversized for the spot my Gaggia Classic used to reside. The design is nice - completely stainless. The lever seems so much better that pushing a button to pull a shot. You'll get the same results, but it feels more "classic". The hot-water wand competes with the lever for space so you'll neet to orient it out to the side when pulling shots, but it doesn't drip so no worries. The drip tray is very large - it'll take the entire water resevoir. BTW, the resevoir has no indicator when it is low, and you have to take the cup warmer off to fill it. Get a funnel.

I'd prefer to have a group pressure gauge, easy access to OPV and boiler pressure controls. But you'd pay an additional $300 for a machine with those features.

Note, the boiler is 1.8 liters (60 oz), not 12 oz as the description says.

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Product Description

The Expobar Office Lever espresso machines is a welcome addition to the Expobar line. Its traditional styling, compact size, and commercial strength make this a leading competitor in the semi-automatic lever operated espresso machines. The commercial style copper boiler has all the features that are found on larger commercial machines. It allows simultaneous brewing and steaming, enabling smooth operation. It has both a steam wand and hot water dispensing wand that adjust laterally so that they can swing in either direction for easy access. With commercial capabilities its size makes it convenient for those who want great espresso without sacrificing a large amount of counter space. It is 15" tall, 10.25" wide and 17.5" deep. The E61 brew group provides pre-infusion and a thermal siphon for maximum temperature stability and aroma extraction. The eye catching highly polished steel housing is as durable as is it beautiful. The accessories include a chrome plated brass portafilter, tamper, single shot filter basket, double shot filter basket, backflush disc and a 7 gram coffee scoop.


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Click here for more information about Expobar Lever Semi-Auto Espresso Machine

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